Services: Carers Forum

The Carers Forum enables carers the opportunity to meet and look at information about current changes and developments within mental health, and to discuss and collectively address these issues and move them forward to make a difference. It is part of the Edinburgh Carers Council’s key objectives – to ensure that the views and needs of mental health carers are represented and included at all stages of the planning and implementation of mental health services in Edinburgh.

The Forum also provides a clearer means for carers to feedback and make suggestions to help us ensure we are providing what carers want from an advocacy service. As a carer-led organisation, created by carers for carers, our goal is to focus on the issues that are the most important for carers.

Who can attend?

The Carers Forum is open to all carers supporting someone with mental health difficulties, dementia, learning disabilities, acquired brain injury and autistic spectrum condition from across Lothian. You do not need to be a member of the Edinburgh Carers Council to attend.

What to expect?

The Forum is owned by carers and is supported by staff and Trustees. It is a comfortable and relaxed environment for carers to express their views and raise issues. As a group the Forum identifies and agrees the agenda for future meetings; this can be everything from national/local policies and strategies to specific local issues or anything which is important to carers.

Past Forums

We’ve had guest speakers on legal matters, crisis planning, advance Statements and recent changes to the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, short breaks and respite opportunities, fun sessions with Turntable, plus a talk on the re-provisioning of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Michele Harrison, Lead Research Practitioner, Queen Margaret University also came along to discuss the Wayfinder Partnership.

To stay up-to-date on the issues discussed or other carers news, please check out our News page.


The Carers Forum usually meets bimonthly.


Next Carers Forum

Date: Thursday 19th September 2024
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Venue: Great Michael House, 14 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ

For more information or to book your place, please email or call us on 0131 322 8480.

* Please let us know if you think you can attend, as there are limited spaces available, and so we have an idea of numbers.