Resources: News

Carers' Manifesto

The Scottish parliamentary election will take place later this year and the National Carer Organisations of Scotland have produced a Manifesto for Carers in Scotland. It outlines seven commitments for carers which they are asking all political parties to include in their own party manifestos. Check out the information set out on the Carers Scotland website which outlines these commitments and has a copy of the manifesto for your perusal.


Mental Health Information Drop In Service

The Mental Health Information Station at St Mary's Cathedral, Walpole Hall, Edinburgh EH12 5AW is on every Thursday from 11-3. It's a great way to access mental health information and resources from charities offering mental health services across Edinburgh. Are you affected with mental health issues? Or do you care for someone who is? This free and friendly information point is a great way to better manage your mental and physical health, speak with people from a range of services and familiarise yourself with community resources and activities.

Mental Health Drop In

NHS Lothian Spiritual Care, Community Health Chaplains have a Mental Health Drop-In for service users and carers every Tuesday 10.30 – 12 noon. Venue: Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge Edinburgh. Feel free to ‘drop in’ any Tuesday for tea, coffee and a chat and for some peer support. 
