Resources: Practical help



An independent advocacy organisation that offers Mental Health advocacy, Problematic Substance Use advocacy, Prison advocacy, and Welfare Reform advocacy in Edinburgh. Community-based service users or those facing compulsory treatment, or wanting to use safeguards within the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 can contact or visit 4 Duncan Place in Edinburgh. Services are also available to those using services within the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

0808 196 3525 | |

CAPS Independent Advocacy

Offer individual and collective advocacy services for people who are or have used mental health services in East and Midlothian. They also run Lothian wide user-led projects.  

0131 273 5118 / (individual advocacy) | 0131 273 5116 / (collective advocacy or general enquiries) | 


A West Lothian service that provides independent advocacy for adults with a physical disability, acquired brain injury or older people in residential care, hospital or the community, who have survived a stroke or have a mental health illness (including dementia).

01506 205 840 |​ |


Kindred provides advocacy, emotional support and information on services available to children with additional support needs and their carers.

0800 031 5793 (Head Office) | |

Partners in Advocacy

Partners in Advocacy provide independent advocacy for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and/or older people in Edinburgh.  A range of services are provided further afield.

0131 478 7723 | |

REH Patients Council

Facilitates independent collective advocacy for patients and former patients of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, with the aim to bring about change in the way that services and treatment are provided.

0131 537 6462 | |

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA)

The SIAA is a membership organisation that aims to ensure that Independent Advocacy is available to any vulnerable person in Scotland. Their website has handy information such as a ‘Find an Advocate’ tool, advocacy stories and advice and helpline links.

0131 510 9410 | |


Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide 

Those who are left behind after someone takes their own life can be helped by talking to others who experienced the same. There are a number of support groups around the country.

0300 111 5065 (National Helpline – open 9am to 9pm)  | |

Complaints & Advice

Mental Welfare Commission Scotland (MWCS)

The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland Provides information and advice and, can make investigations and enquiries into someone’s care and treatment if there is a serious concern about their rights or welfare.

0800 389 6809 (advice line) | |

Office of the Public Guardian

Provides information and advice. Supervises those appointed to manage the property and financial affairs of others, i.e. those with Power of Attorney. Covers the whole of Scotland.

01324 678300 (general enquiries) | |

Information Activities & Resources 

iThrive Edinburgh

Your online space for mental health and wellbeing information in Edinburgh. Includes a support directory, information about local mental health services and self-help resources.

Mental Health Information Station

A great first stop for mental health information and resources. On Thursdays, 10.30 am – 3.00 pm at Walpole Hall, Palmerston Place (next to St Mary's Cathedral) Edinburgh EH12 5AW, these friendly drop in sessions are free and a helpful place to better manage your mental and physical health, get advice on local services and activities or just pop along for a coffee and informal chat. All welcome, no booking required.

0131 537 8688 (Thursdays, 10am-3pm) | |

Learning Difficulties

Salvesen Mindroom Centre

Is a Scottish charity based in Edinburgh offering support, resources and information for those affected by learning difficulties.  If you are the parent or carer of a child with any form of learning difficulty it can be confusing, frightening and even alienating. The team at Salvesen Mindroom Centre are committed to providing information, support and advice at every step of the way. Their website has fantastic downloadable resources for parents, teachers and health professionals. If you are a parent looking for support you can access one-to-one help and support from experienced professionals by phone, email and in person. 

0131 370 6730 | |


Legal Services Agency (LSA)

This mental health legal representation project offers free advice and representation for people with mental illness, dementia or acquired brain injury or their carers who reside in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

0800 316 8450 | |


Edinburgh Carer Support Team

Edinburgh City Council in partnership with NHS Lothian has a dedicated carer support team that can offer advice, information and support for carers in the community. This can cover a range of issues such as your rights as a carer, medical conditions and medications, information on local services and more. Open from Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm. Carers can self-refer to this service by phoning the number below.

0131 536 3371 |

Self Directed Support

Self Directed support, through direct payments and other options offered by Councils, can offer a flexible way of arranging respite and support. There are now four options which should be offered by Councils.

0131 200 2324 (Edinburgh City Council) | |

Other self directed support information:

Scottish Government 

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance


Community Health Chaplains

Offer spiritual care to people experiencing mental health difficulties and their carers. They can be contacted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital or there is also an informal 'drop in' every Tuesday 10.30 am - 12:30 pm at Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL. Chaplains: Lynne MacMurchie, Maxwell Reay.

0131 242 1990 |


Volunteer Centre Edinburgh

Provides information, advice and support to people who would like to volunteer in Edinburgh. The centre also provides help with volunteer management to organisations in Edinburgh and there is also a Health and Wellbeing team to provide extra support if needed. Many people would like to volunteer but don’t know where to start, the Volunteer Centre can help point you in the right direction. 

0131 225 0630 | |