Carers Rights Event

Carers Rights Event

Save the Date!

When: Thursday, 27th February 2020. 12 – 4 pm.

Where: Hanover Conference Centre, 95 McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NS

This free event is open to all unpaid carers and our health, social work and third sector partners.

Keynote speaker:
Cathy Asanthe, Scottish Equality & Human Rights Commission

‘Carers within a human rights framework’

There will be three workshops based on the P.A.N.E.L. principles (Participation, Accountability, Non-Discrimination and Equality, Empowerment, and Legality)

  1. Participation & Accountability – How far do services involve carers views and what redress can there be when things go wrong?
  2. Non-discrimination & Equality – What legislation supports carers rights?
  3. The Right to Family Life

Workshop facilitators will include;

  1. Kathleen Taylor (Engagement & Participation Officer (Carer), Mental Welfare Commission Scotland)
  2. Karen Martin (Mental Health Development Coordinator, Carers Trust Scotland)
  3. Ruth Rooney (Coordinator, Edinburgh Carers Council)

Buffet lunch will be provided.

To book a place, please email Rachael -  or telephone 0131 322 8480.

(Maximum 50 places)