Carers Forum

The next meeting for the Carers Forum is Thursday 25th April 2019. 11am - 2pm

Topic:  Coping Strategies.

Venue: Edinburgh Carers Council, Great Michael House, 14 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ

Booking is not required but it's helpful for catering to know approximate numbers. Lunch is provided. Please contact Rachael on 0131 322 8480 or email

New to the carers forum? The Forum enables carers the opportunity to meet and look at information about current changes and developments within mental health, and to discuss and collectively address issues and move them forward to make a difference. We also run regular fun sessions that allow carers to have time for themselves and meet others who may be in similar situations. The Forum also provides a clearer means for carers to feedback and make suggestions to help us ensure we are providing what carers want from an advocacy service.

For more information regarding the Carers Forum, please visit the Forum page here: