About Us: The Charity

We are an independent Edinburgh charity that is carer-led in its developments.

We provide:

  • information to carers about all aspects of mental health care and services

  • individual advocacy services for carers and named persons

  • collective advocacy

  • peer advocacy

Our goal is for carers to:

  • be respected
  • have their views and opinions to be heard
  • to be taken seriously
  • recognition of the importance of their contribution
  • be valued
  • have opportunities for breaks from caring
  • receive practical and emotional support at different stages
  • have access to information on things that will assist them to care effectively while maintaining their own health and quality of life
  • have access to information about services which reflect cultural, religious and racial differences and values
  • be consulted at all levels of planning, development and implementation of services

In December 2022, Edinburgh Carers Council became a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), charity number: SC052190. The formal transfer to the SCIO will be completed during 2023. (Previously the charity number was SC028469)

Download our About Us leaflet.

Download our Trustees Annual Report and Accounts for 2023.

Download our Strategic Plan.


View our Constitution

SIAA Principles, Standards, and Code of Practice

Edinburgh Carers Council have clear policies and procedures that reflect the SIAA (Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance) Principles, Standards, and Code of Practice.

Board of Trustees

Edinburgh Carers Council is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of predominantly carers and others with an interest in carers and mental health. Our present Board consists of:

  • David Archibald
  • Julian Hartley
  • Fran Kirkwood
  • Jackie Macdonald
  • Malavika Prasad
  • Homa Ranimi                                                                    

Trustee Members Needed

The Board of Trustees meet the last Monday of each month to look at Trustee business, have an Annual General Meeting and an annual Trustee training day. The work is on a voluntary basis, but out of pocket expenses will be paid. If you think you might be interested, please speak to Alison on 0131 322 8480 to find out more. You can also reach us by emailing info@edinburghcarerscouncil.co.uk


Edinburgh Carers Council SCIO is a charity in Scotland; SC052190.

Thank you so much to all our funders for your continued support.

Go to website of NHS Lothian          

  • AMW Charitable Trust
  • ​Grand Lodge of Scotland Benevolent Fund
  • Harapen
  • James T Howat Charitable Trust
  • Murray Foundation
  • Nancy Roberts Charitable Trust
  • PF Charitable Trust
  • Sylvia Aitken's Charitable Trust
  • The Culra Charitable Trust
  • The Ireland Rodden Trust
  • The James Wood Bequest Fund
  • The Paristamen Charity
  • The Pumphouse Trust
  • The Squire Patton Bogs Charitable Trust
  • The Ward Family Charitable Trust
  • The Westwood Charitable Trust
  • The WM Mann Foundation
  • Walker-Schoolbraid Charitable Trust
  • Walter Scott Giving Group