Carers Forum (14 Links Place)

Next Carers Forum Date: Thursday 21st September 2023
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Where: Great Michael House, 14 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ

Kathleen Taylor, Engagement and Participation Officer (Carer), will be joining us at this Carers Forum to speak about her role at the Scottish Mental Welfare Commission and current carer issues. We will also be sharing news and updates from us here at Edinburgh Carers Council, and as always there will be an opportunity to share experiences and raise topics that are important to you as a carer.

Please note that the timing of this Carers Forum is different from previous meetings; it will now be from 11am - 1pm. Given the current circumstances around our funding situation, unfortunately we need to apologise for not being able to provide a lunch this time, but we hope to be able to do this again in future. Teas and coffees will still be available throughout the meeting. Please feel free to bring along your own snacks or lunch if you wish, there is also a cafe located in our office near where the meeting takes place.

If you've not attended a Carers Forum before....
The Carers Forum is open to all unpaid carers (family, friends) supporting someone with mental health difficulties, dementia, learning disability, autism spectrum condition, or acquired brain injury. It's a relaxed setting which enables carers to meet and look at information about current changes and developments within mental health, and to discuss and collectively address issues to move them forward to make a difference. We can also arrange for speakers to join us at Forums to talk about issues that are meaningful for you. You do not need to be a member of Edinburgh Carers to attend. The Forum is also a great place to meet other unpaid carers who may be in similar situations, and to share your experiences.

For more information or to book your place, please contact or call us on 0131 322 8480.